Chester Hill Intensive English Centre

Strength in Unity, Excellence in Education

Telephone02 9645 3780

Sculptures by the IEC

After visiting Sculptures by the Sea this term, our IEC students honed their creativity to produce some truly beautiful and insightful sculptures of their own. 

Working alongside the guidance of their teachers, students used recycled materials to produce their sculptures. The students were instructed to draw inspiration from their own experiences as well as the world around them.

Each class discussed and planned their sculptures extensively before constructing them in Week 9. A great deal of planning was involved which required students to work co-operatively and harmoniously as a team. Each class had to decide what they would be making, the design of their sculptures, the materials they would use to construct their sculptures and the various tasks each person in the class had.

On the Tuesday of week 9, all classes began putting their sculptures together. Everyone at the IEC was buzzing with excitement! Some classes used clay and paint, others used recycled rubbish and one class even used old computer parts. It was so wonderful to see students and teachers alike rolling up their sleeves and enthusiastically involving themselves in the production of their sculptures. By the end of the week, the IEC was decorated with beautifully crafted sculptures which were not only aesthetically pleasing but also carried insightful and touching social and personal messages too.

The slideshow below is a collection of pictures taken while students were making their sculptures. The finished sculptures will be displayed in various classrooms around the IEC.