25 Oct 2012

Welcome back to a new term at the IEC!
After two weeks of rest and relaxation, it was with great anticipation that the school gates reopened and students came flooding in. On behalf of Chester Hill IEC, we would like to welcome back all our students, teachers and their families as we begin a new term full of exciting activities and enriching learning opportunities.
We saw many familiar faces returning this term as well as many new students too. With students joining us from Vietnam, the Philippines, China, Turkey, Sierra Leone, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, the rich mixture of cultures and ethnicities present in our IEC is truly something special.
This term presents many fantastic opportunities for our students to excel and develop their skills both in the classroom and out. With a dedicated and experienced team of teachers, it continues to be our mission to support each child with their education. Our teachers are committed to helping students develop their proficiency in English whilst learning about the other curriculum areas too.
The first week back ended with the presentation of student leader badges to the newly appointed student leaders for this term. We would like to congratulate our new student leaders as they begin a new term with new roles and responsibilities.