Chester Hill Intensive English Centre

Strength in Unity, Excellence in Education

Telephone02 9645 3780

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Bruno performs a song for the ceremony

After a busy first week back, IEC students had lots to do in their second week with two excursions and a graduation!

Students have begun settling into their new routines, quickly getting into the work from their various classes. Teachers have come up with some very exciting activities this term. Ms. Loui's 53 science class have started looking at the topic of ‘living things', focusing on plants in the first few weeks of the term. In order to learn about the life cycle and growth of a plant, the students planted bean seeds in small containers to watch them grow.

The Thursday Graduation Ceremony saw the culmination of the Optus Interact Program which began last term. Students met with their mentors at fortnightly intervals and developed a range of different skills useful for the workplace and for everyday life. The students who took part in the program individually thanked their mentors for their support, wisdom and guidance. Several students then performed for our guests and had everyone tapping their feet to the catchy beats.

On Friday, two excursions took place which saw our students going to the University of New South Wales for a soccer excursion and the Bankstown Council Chambers for the Roundabout Program Launch. Both excursions gave students the chance to talk about their experiences either with sport or with the Work, School and Play program run by the Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre.