12 Nov 2012

With spring now in full bloom, the IEC is a hive of activity.
Week 4 began with the Parent/Teacher interviews. They take place twice a year and are an integral part of the school program. Parent/Teacher interviews allow parents and teachers to develop a solid partnership and work collaboratively together to enhance student achievement, engagement and success.
Teachers and parents assembled in the IEC library and were spoken to by our head teacher, Mrs. Liau, before speaking to individual subject teachers. We believe that when parents and teachers work together, it has valuable benefits for education. Interviews are an opportunity to find out about a child's progress both academically and socially, set future goals, discuss social aspects of school and put plans in place for continued success.
In other news, 53 were over the moon to discover little sprouts growing from their pot plants in the garden. They have been learning about the life cycle of plants in science with Ms. Loui and have even made posters as part of the unit. They'll be able to start selling their produce in no time!