Chester Hill Intensive English Centre

Strength in Unity, Excellence in Education

Telephone02 9645 3780

About our school

Chester Hill Intensive English Centre (IEC) was established in 1978.

We provide intensive English tuition to newly arrived, high school aged students whose first language is not English. Students will learn all about the Australian curriculum and school expectations. We aim to prepare students for transition to a High School, Bankstown Senior College or TAFE.

In addition, we provide orientation, settlement and welfare programs to prepare students for learning in a NSW government high school and to participate in Australian society.

All our teachers are qualified EAL/D (English as an Additional Language/Dialect) teachers with specialist tertiary qualifications in Key Learning Areas. We also have Student Learning Support Officers (SLSOs) who help with interpretation, translation and classroom assistance.

We are actively affiliated with community organisations to provide additional mentoring and welfare programs to enhance the quality of school experience for new students. Every student in Chester Hill Intensive English Centre should feel safe, respected, accepted and yearn to learn.

Download the Information Handbook (PDF366KB) for more information about our school.

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