Chester Hill Intensive English Centre

Strength in Unity, Excellence in Education

Telephone02 9645 3780


The students at the IEC have the opportunity to use and learn about computers. We have two well furnished computer rooms and all students have at least 2 periods of computer classes.

The students usually get a computer each so that they can all practise at the same time. The main computer room also has a projector so that the students can see what the teacher is doing on the board and practise at the same time.

The students initially learn basic commands for starting and using the computer as well as typing on a keyboard and using a mouse.  They learn about the different parts of the computer and their uses. Then most new students will do programs that are designed to help them with their learning of English, such as phonics and vocabulary.

As they progress through the IEC they start to learn how to use programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher, as well as learning how to use CD ROM such as Encarta and the internet to get information. The students in the higher groups also learn how to write up reports in English and what is expected when writing one (this is a similar style to what our newspapers are written in).

Students will always learn faster if they have their own computers at home, but we do not expect them to get one.


  • Please note that students should not bring their own computer programs from home to school as these can bring across viruses which will infect all our computers.
  • They are also only allowed to go onto the internet with the permission of their teacher.

Internet Acess

The NSW Department of Education and Training is committed to providing a secure e-Learning environment. This year all students will be provided with an e-Learning account (DET user ID and password) to access Internet facilities at school including filtered browsing and email. In using these e-Learning accounts, students are required to abide by the schools "Students Access to the Internet' policy.

This policy addresses issues including the safety and privacy of students, staff and other Internet users, and establishes an Internet code of behaviour. All parents will receive a letter from the school regarding the issuing of e-Learning accounts to students.  If you do not agree to your child having an e-Learning account you must notify the school in writing.  If you would like further information about your child's access to the Internet facilities at school, please contact Mr. R Van der Weide or Mrs Mazzolini at the IEC.